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Female Classical Soprano


I am a Recording Enthusiast,Video Producer and Photographer who is looking for;

A Singer (Female Classical Soprano) for a Recording/Video project i have been working on for some time.

Unfortunately the original singer has personal problems and can no longer continue .

Particularly if you are a local-ish (less than 30-50 miles from Telford).

You will need to be available on a Weekday Daytime between the hours of 9am and 4pm (mutual convenience), Here in Telford, Shropshire.

Starting on or after the 4th July.


In return you will get digital copies of the final edited Recording and Video.

I will also be happy to do other Recordings (of your choice/style) with you, and offer my skills and facilities in Recording, Photography and Video production Free of charge


All projects will be on a collaborative basis, There is no Monetary payment or charge for these projects.

Check out my page at;

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