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Female / Male singers wanted Remote job

Looking for an English-native (and Spanish-native) experienced singers who able to sing and record vocal (lead and backing parts) for a professional backing tracks on a regular basis. £10-30 for 1 singer per song. UK bank transfer preferred. Payments make once per week. We need you to record a short part of track we provided to demonstrate a performing and recording quality.

BTW guitarists wanted too.

Please send your demos:

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hey… I’m ema lou. Singer songwriter. I sing at a good range, experience in a studio. Play bass, piano. Little guitar. Ukulele and handpan/bongos 🙂 if your interested and looking I’m #emaloobylou on insta an Facebook. ✌️ Peace

  2. Do you still require female vocalists? Could you possibly give me more details please. I am a female singer, with a good soulful voice. Would like to know more about your opportunities please. Thank you. Yours sincerely. Anita Martin.

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