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Female songwriting partner

Looking for a female singer to help write melodies and lyrics. Have loads of melody ideas/chord structures and partially written songs. I can’t sing so need someone who can help me write and then sing. Predominantly looking for someone who can work online – email collaboration/sending files back and forth.
I’m a 37 year old guitarist/bassist and can appreciate most forms of music. Been in a few bands, mostly bass playing although did do some guitar teaching years ago. I grew up with Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi and Metallica. I have a feeling the music I am writing is mostly softer stuff – think more Sheryl Crow and Howling Bells.
I’m not looking for the best singer in the world, I just have a few ideas I want to record. Want to get something down for my kids before I die…

Want someone who can share ideas every few days and record bits once per week to be sent to each other. Decided to try this online as I work shifts and have been let down by someone who consistently failed to turn up. If you live in Yorkshire we could meet up every month or something. I’m in Hull, although being local is not really an issue.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi james! im Teresa I singer/songwriter I found this link site from ( idea of collaboration sounds good!
    if you would like to get in touch my email address is:

    happy new year!

    Teresa****** xx

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