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Female swing singer wanted

I’m looking for a female singer who can join my band, the Black Sheikhs. The music is high energy swing covers of modern hits from 70s to present day.
We play some festivals, and clubs, but mostly wedding and corporate work.
A second instrument would give you a clear advantage. The singer we have at present also plays clarinet.
The line-up is
Guitar Vocals
Double Bass

Comments ( 2 )

  1. ecarrossa

    Hello, my name is Elena and I’m an experienced jazz and swing singer. I am based in London and I’m looking for a “vintage style” band to play with.
    I have experience in musical theatre and in entertaining the audience too.
    I would love to get in contact with you for knowing more about your project, meanwhile, at this link, you can find some examples of my voice recorded live:
    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  2. Hi Black Shiekhs, Im a Jazz/Swing singer and you can find more out about me via
    Looking forward to hearing from you!

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