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Finally Launching!

Fun New Female Group, 40s/50s music, In an alternative manner to current like groups!

Looking for another Curvy Lady 30-40ish, strong confident singer, with an aptitude to harmonise a bonus.

Positive attitude, Previous experience preferred, Dedication essential.

Booking for next year already!

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Hi! Please message me with evidence of previous experience if you would like to be considered Asap, as I am currently making the final decision! 😀

  2. I am a singer, looking for a band. I love doing covers and I have quite a good range 😊 please get in touch if you want more information xXx

  3. Angeliki Anastasiou
    September 25, 2020 at 6:38 pm

    I’m a passionated new singer, full of strong will and discipline. I’m looking forward to be a member of a, band. 🙂 Ps :age, 31

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