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Forming New Band

Hi I’m a Singer/Songwriter from the South East near Guildford wishing to form a new group working on my original material. It will be with a view to eventually get paid gigs/festivals/radio play etc. Are you hungry for a new musical lease of life as well as fun and want to jump aboard this exciting project with me? I’m looking for: Guitar elec/acoustic, Bass, Drums, Keys with some modern tricks and software if poss.
Must be passionate to want to succeed and hopefully rewards a plenty in the near future! Thanks for your interest

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi.
    I was wondering if you still needed a guitarist? My email is

  2. Hi Victoria
    Call me please
    Colin Bibby…
    We have met..drummer with Steel Band in Reading and also at Mental health events..
    I am interested in being your drummer

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