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Fretless Bassist wanted to join band/tour!

Hello. I am coming back from Tokyo to England, and wish to continue my band in the UK.

I would like to practice and start doing gigs ASAP. We have 12 songs.

I currently have a Keyboard/guitar player and a drummer. I play lead guitar and sing.

You must be confident and willing to play the lines I’ve written, however you can improvise and add your own spark of course, as long as you don’t drop the groove.


Comments ( 4 )

  1. Hi Sam
    Do you still need somebody? If so then feel free to get in touch either on here or through

  2. ericrupertbass

    Feel free to hit me up, if you’re still looking…

  3. Hello Sam.Can you please send me your email address to Forgot log in details for my account 😭
    So long

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