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Funky female vocalist required for Milton Keynes based covers band


We are putting together a funk and disco covers band and need a female vocalist. Wed be looking to practice in person once weekly with a view to getting up to speed to be able to play some gigs locally.

Milton Keynes based or thereabouts.

Age/background totally unimportant as long as you can play well and are easy going and enjoy your music.

We;d be looking at songs like:

Staying alive
Oh what a night
Gimme gimme
Jive talking
Good times
Get down tonight
You make me feel mighty real
Play that funky music
Car wash
Billie Jean
I’m so excited
Never can say goodbye
Daddy cool
Night fever
I want you back
Young hearts
Get down on it
That’s the way I like it

Drop us a line for a chat – thanks

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