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Horn Players Wanted

The Chicago Blues Brothers need You You You.

We are looking ideally for a dedicated and committed 3 piece Horn section who are available for around 80-100 shows in 2017 in the UK and overseas at some of the most prestigious venues in the UK including the 02.

Sax, Trumpet and Trombone are required and can ideally travel together and play together as a 3 piece regularly – the section will be dynamic and be able to cope with what is regarded as a ” Hard Blow ” in parts.

You will be able to co ordinate basic dance routines and be a major part of the production, we are not looking for stand still readers, we are looking for Lively, energetic performers.

Don’t worry if your not part of a 3 Piece all applicants welcome – the right attitude and commitment is what we are looking for.

Think your up for job – PM me directly.

£150 per person – UK show + Travel and Expenses when needed.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi
    Are you still looking for a horn section?

  2. Hello,

    I am a sax player based in the north west of England and am very interested in playing as part of the Chicago Blues Brothers.
    Would you be able to send me some more details?

    Many thanks,
    Sophie Flint

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