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Indie Band Looking For lead Guitarist!!

We’re an Indie band looking for a new lead guitarist. So far, we’ve got a couple of tunes recorded, looking to recording new material soon as, we’ve got a few big gigs lined up with top promoters. We need someone committed, that shares our influences. 
We’re looking for someone that likes heavy gritty sound like the pixies but also a clean sound like girls or the beach boys. 
We currently have practice at the Roundhouse so you’ll need to be available at least 2 nights a week and be within the ages of 19 and 24. Our influences include The Clash, Pixies, The Smiths, Nick Cave and Girls. 
Message me if your interested

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi, ad looks great & I’d be v. interested in getting involved. I’m a 22-year-old guitarist and music journalist just moved down to London from Leeds. You sound a perfect fit for me and it’d be great to meet up after Xmas?
    (The link is pretty old by the way, just something I messed around with a while ago, but there’s a little guitar break in there)
    Harry Fletcher

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