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Ionian Clarinet Choir looking for NEW MEMBERS

NEW MEMBERS WANTED!!! If you or are someone you know are Grade 6+ with very good / excellent sight reading – live in the North London, London Boroughs, Hertfordshire areas and play any Clarinet, we would like to hear from you! We have over 380 pieces in our repertoire from early Classical to Light Swing and Jazz. We play at least four concerts per year – private and public.

We rehearse at Christ Church at Whetstone, Oakleigh Park Road, Whetstone, N20 9AR.

All rehearsals are 8pm to 10pm – please bring a stand (and music)

Rehearsal dates for this term:

April 7th and 28th
May 5th and 19th
June 9th and 30th
Sunday 5th July – CONCERT
July 7th

Please contact for more information – / 0208 441 2117

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