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Keyboard/Accordion Player Wanted for established band

Can you master the ivories? Do you often feel the urge to dress up to perform as a pirate or a Victorian scoundrel, a ragamuffin or gypsy punk and leap around a stage like a madperson or be an interesting presence on stage?  Can  you sing some backing vocals or at least shout along during the chorus? Do you enjoy contributing to song writing, arranging and development? Do you like gigging across the UK on weekends and making the odd bit of money?
Then The Filthy Spectacula wants you!
We are an established gypsy punk, dark cabaret, steampunk band based in London. We have been gigging regularly for 3 and a half years but now find ourselves in search of a Keyboard/Accordion player to expand our sound.
We have an ep, an album and 3 videos under our belts and have plans to do more of the same.
We rehease in Uxbridge
Please check us outon Facebook, u tube or google us. If you are intrigued by what you see and hear and would like more information, please get back to us.

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