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Keyboard player required for Christian worship band

We are a Christian worship collective who is full of life, joy and energy. We are passionate about creating a unique sound and spreading the gospel through our music and lives. We are looking for musicians who share this passion. We need musicians who are able to be creative, flexible and with a good sense of humour. We are currently working on our own material and putting our own spin on known worship songs. We currently have three female vocalists, an electic guitarist, a saxophonist and a drummer. We rehearse once a week and need people who can commit to this. We have already played some gigs and will be playing more in the future. We will also be recording our own material. If this excites you, get in contact, we’d love to meet you!

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hey guys, very interested in getting involved in this one. Hit me up!

  2. We preferably need musicians who live in Kent or nearby.

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