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Keyboard player/rhythm guitarist wanted

We are a 4 member covers band, just starting out. We have a set of songs already rehearsed and want to expand our song base.

We need a keyboard player who can play a bit of rhythm ideally too, or a rhythm guitarist who can play keyboards. Though just a keyboard player will also fit if you are talented enough.

We are a singer, guitarist, bassist and drummer.
We rehearse weekly in either mill hill or in harlow near epping.
We need a committed person, age not important, sex not important.
If you can sing too, that’s a bonus but not essential.

We play indie/ rock/ pop, trying to cover as many era’s as possible and looking to start looking for paid gigs in the new year.

Please get in touch if this is you.
More details on your contacting us ie what songs we’ve started to do.


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi, my name is John and i’m a keyboarist, rhythm guitarrist and backing vocal looking for someone to play with. I’ve been in london for a week, and have 15 years experience in different styles.

    Interested? Send me an e-mail!

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