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keyboard player wanted for cruise ship band

Established cruise ship band (lounge jazz, pop covers) based in Brighton, requires a versatile keyboard player to complete a new line-up. Contracts waiting, just need to finalise new line-up and demo/promo it in order to respond to offers. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please contact Malcolm on 01273 500231

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Good evening,

    My name is Jack Allen, I am an experienced professional musician with experience in composing and playing for paid film, theatre, television and live concert events. I have been playing for fourteen years now and am currently on the look-out for a new venue to perform, I have noticed your casting advertisement and this sounds like a fantastic opportunity to be on board with.

    I of course have my own Keyboard, speakers, amplifiers, extensions and microphones if they would be necessary, that is not an issue at all whatsoever! Furthermore I am able to read sheet music and tabs. Attending rehearsals would also not be an issue at all.

    I hope to hear from you in the near future.

    Kind regards,

    Jack Allen

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