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Keyboard Synthesiser Player

A UK based Heavy Rock, Heavy Metal band are in need of an experienced, seasoned and creatively understanding keyboard synthesiser player. This is a new project of nine to ten songs, is to be worked up for eventual finished recording. After auditions the ‘Keyboard Synthesiser Player’ will be expected to take part in rehearsals, in person, and in one’s own-time, this will then lead to preproduction and demos recorded, of which will be sent to already prearranged music industry personnel working with the band for review, after which the finished recording will take place.

The ideal keyboard synthesiser player for this new project would follow along in similar lines to Neil Carter, of UFO, or in the same vain as Christian Lorenz of Rammstein.

The keyboard synthesiser player would be expected to be musically and technically gifted, to be openly creative and forward thinking with positive ideas, to have a good ear for the formatting and contributing to commercial song writing. a good understanding as to what is expected of them within the recording process.


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