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Keyboardists, singers, bassists wanted


I\’m looking for musicians for a new band – The Dreadful Machine. You can hear some songs from the first EP that we\’re working on by searching the band name on Soundcloud. The songs we have up are Elevator and The Dreadful Machine.

We\’re currently two singers/songwriters and a drummer and we would ideally like another person with a strong enough voice to sing lead sometimes, bassist and keyboardist. You don\’t need to be a virtuoso and creativity is more important as long as you can play simple songs to a good standard.

We\’ve got another 2-3 EPs written but if you can bring songs or have some lyric writing ability that would definitely be a bonus. If you play something else that you think could work please get in touch too.

I\’m 31, the other guy\’s 27, I live in Sidcup, he lives in Beckenham. We have a drummer.

Please only reply if you can send demos – a phone recording is fine.


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