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London based vocalist looking for a funk and disco band!!

So i’ve just got back from a years travelling and I am keen to get gigging again asap! I was in a band at University so I have a reasonable amount of experience. Influences inlude but not limited to James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Amy Winehouse, Prince, Daft Punk, Chic. I am based in the South West London area looking for a lead guitarist, drummer and bassist

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi! I’m a drummer looking for a band in London and your post caught my eye. I have years of experience playing styles such as rock, pop, funk, rnb and really liked those examples you put there. I quite recently moved from abroad and currently don’t have a drum kit here in London. Hope your time travelling was fantastic! B-)

    Feel free to contact me via

    All the best,

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