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Looking for Guitarist and Bassist for Melodic Metal Band

We’re looking for a guitarist and a bassist for our band. We are all experienced and established musicians with full gig compliment and transport, which would be required of yourself.

We’re looking for someone who has had previous band experience and is dedicated. We aim to take the band into the studio within the year, to have a photoshoot, and a music video recorded shortly after BEFORE gigging. You would also be involved in writing material and working with your fellow men (and ladies) on songs so a previous experience there would probably be helpful to you!

We would also ask that you have some form of recording of yourself, be it live video, previous band demos, home audio recording etc.

Below is a rough demo of our material so far, please respond to this message or to the email address provided if you are interested.

– Hecate

Demo Tracks:


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