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Looking For Keys Player, Drummer And Frontman!

Greetings all!

I’m looking to form a comedy/horror/cabaret group, called ‘Post-Mortem Quartet’; I am a double bass player, but I am looking for a keys player, drummer and frontman to complete the line up!

We have 13 songs so far, with more being written as we speak, (the style of which is a mixture of Tiger Lillies/Grinderman/Rocky Horror Picture Show), so once all the members are in place, we can get rehearsing and out gigging as soon as possible! I am also looking to record as well, so we’ll have something to sell at our gigs, alongside our merchandise! And of course, being a comedy/horror/cabaret group there will be an element of ‘stage show’ involved, (stage names, costumes, make up etc.)…

As I’m creating this group from the ground up, there is no money involved, but we will of course be aiming for paid gigs/tours further on down the line, so this would be perfect for someone who fancies a fun little project on the side!

If this sounds like your cup of tea/coffee/poison of choice, please drop me a message or email me for more information, and I can send you a link to the demos!

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