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Looking to form a band in Birmingham. Need bass, lead guitar and drummer.

Looking to form a band playing indie/alternative rock. Inspirations are that of Catfish and the Bottlemen, Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks etc. I have no experience playing with a band and gigging, and honestly currently I’m not even an amazing guitarist. Would like to form a band and maybe start covering songs at first at smaller gigs, but then create original songs and produce them, making a career from it. I have already written a few songs which I would like to develop and perform. Looking for like minded people, you don’t have to be brilliant but you need to have passion and know how to play basically, and look to have a fun time and make friends and ultimately try and make something of themselves in music from the ground up. I am 19, looking for people of similar age

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi
    My name is Sean I live in hall green, would like to jam, have not been in a band but would like to start somewhere, I have been playing guitar for 4 years now think its time I move up a level,email me if interested

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