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Mime Class Music

Hi there,

I’m Camilla from the Les Bubb School of Mime and Les and I set up the school to resurrect interest in mime and teach it to the world, online over Zoom.

We use music during our classes but as artists ourselves we realised we had an opportunity to collaborate with other artists…

We’d love to make connections with a small group of musicians and in exchange for using your music during our classes to mime along to and at this stage in our development we can offer:

  • Verbally say who you are and what the song is each time we use it during class
  • Post link to the song and/or your website/portfolio in the zoom chatbox during class
  • Add your links and do a shout out in our emails that go out to students when we’ve used your music
  • Add your links to our monthly newsletter on the months we use your music
  • Provide testimonials about your music (if relevant to what you do)
  • Post about you on our social media channels
  • Add you to our Shout Outs page on our website
  • Invite you to join our mime classes free of charge
  • Provide a discount code for you to give to friends who might be interested in our classes

If there’s anything else we can do to help increase your exposure we’d be happy to discuss as we want this to be a genuine collaboration where both sides get their needs met.

We’re a kitchen table organisation who only launched a few weeks ago so at this time we can’t offer payment, but we do believe in fair exchange and hope that as we grow, what we can offer can grow as well. Our students are looking to perform so if you’re interested in integrating with actors, this is a good networking opportunity.

We’re looking for lyric-free (or not prioritised) tracks of any length. Please note that not all music will be suitable, and Les needs to resonate with it, however, we’re open to all genres and styles.

Thanks for reading, please get in touch with me at if this is interesting to you and you’d like more information.



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