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Musicians needed for Queen covers band – Notts.

I’m looking to form a band which sings Queen covers. I have my own rehearsal room near Southwell. Ideally I need a lead vocalist, drummer, bassist, lead guitarist, keyboard player. (I am backing vocals). Must be aged under 40 please.
I’m awaiting a vocal cord operation, so wouldn’t be looking at gigs until mid 2021 onwards, subject to Covid.
I have an existing fan base, having collected 12k followers in the last 3 months alone.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi I’m a drummer that has been playing Queen songs for over 25 years. I can also do Roger Taylor backing vocals to a point. Just thought I’d check to see if you had anything sorted yet drummerwise. I’m based in Sheffield so not too far away and have my own transport and decent gear. Pop an email across if you’re still looking for someone.

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