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Musicians needed for recording project

Hi there,
I’m an audio engineering student. I’ve been in this field for a little while now (I have the SAE Paris “Assistant of production” diploma and is now working on a more advanced “audio engineering techniques and technologies” course).

I have a recording (and later on mixing) project to do. So, I need to find a band (or even solo musicians, we’ll manage to find other people) who would be interested to work with me.
We would be recording, in a professional environment, either one of your own song or a cover. The due date being in the end of August, most of the sessions would take place during the summer holiday.

I would prefer classic rock/hard rock/blues musicians, but if you are really interested and play another style of music, don’t hesitate to contact me, and we’ll talk about it.

I would like this project to be a “collaboration” (even though I’ll present it as my project for my exams), so I don’t have a lot of expectations nor requests except that I need to be sure you won’t let me down in the middle of the project without any reasons…

If you are interested or want to have more informations, just contact me and we’ll talk about it.

Thank you,
I hope to hear from you soon.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Steve Burton Drums
    June 12, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    Hi there,

    out of interest where are you based?


  2. Thanks for posting Jeanne! Always nice to see music students trying to make things happen! Good luck with your project!

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