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Originals band – swing folk and blues inspired. Full time

Full time drummer and Full time pianist required for signed UK, European and World touring in commercially successful folk, swing, country, jazz and blues inspired originals band. Auditions 28/29 sept – Contact for application form and details.
Paid on a company profit equal split basis across the year.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hello my name is John Charnley and would like more information about the music post advertised online for full time drummer and pianist. My instrument is piano and I have reached grade 8 with distinction and achieved a music degree as well as teaching music. I am based in Birmingham and would be interested in UK touring, recording and perform at different shows.

    I would be able to offer very good high standard playing & I have accompanied musicians in my career. Would you be able to send me more details about the job role. I hope to be part of the opportunity advertised to develop my professional career in music & music teaching.

    John Charnley

  2. Rockit88

    do you have a ny u tube clips of your material regards left hand Lewis

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