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‘Ozzy’ needed!

HFM are looking for an Ozzy to form Sabbra Cadabra UK. Tim Campling, Stuart Mills and Neil Priddey have an ever-expanding set list of Sabbath material… which sounds great… but could sound EVEN BETTER if we can find an Ozzy who can sing material from 1st six Sabbath albums in the original keys.

Tracks include: Black Sabbath, War Pigs, Iron Man, Wicked World, Hand Of Doom, Paranoid, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Sabbra Cadabra, Symptom Of The Universe, Snowblind, NIB, Children Of The Grave, Supernaut… many more to follow!

If you can sing like Ozzy from circa 1973 – awesome, if you can look like him, even better. Transport essential. We have PA. Sense of humour required, bring your own bats and crucifix. Brummy accent not necessary. We are based in Macclesfield, so if you live miles away from there, it’s probably not going to work… reply with recent pic and vocal demo, plus any previous experience.

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