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Pianist Wanted in Bedfordshire (paid position)

 The Leighton Buzzard Youth Theatre is looking for a reliable, adaptable and hard working pianist  to play with them for their production of the musical “Honk!” from January to 25th April. 

The show ‘band’ is limited to one piano, a drummer and possibly a bassist, so we are looking for someone of a high standard, capable of carrying the music for the show on their own, preferably with previous experience of playing for this type of show and a specialism in blues/rock/contemporary types of musical show although this is non-essential. As the role is working with a youth theatre, a DBS check is essential and experience working with young people is preferable.

Pay: works out to £20/hour

The commitment is as follows:

Friday evenings (6-8.30pm) and  Sunday afternoons (2-6pm) 

Show week: Monday 19th April- Saturday 25th April and you would need to be available for that entire week from 6pm (1pm on the Saturday.)

If you are interested in the position, please email Dani at detailing your previous experience and how you meet our requirements. Accompanying Links to video or recording of your previous work are welcome.

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