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Promoter looking for bands and solo artists for gigs in London

Will be holding battle of the band events across London from June. Will be a prize for winner and further bookings. Must be able to draw a small fan base. booking venues now so please get in touch with your details.

Many thanks,

Daniel – 147 event promotions

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hi,

    My name is Thom Kilroy, I am from Hawaii but I am based in London this summer. I’m a singer, songwriter and instrumentalist looking for gigs. If there is any opportunity for me, don’t hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you!

    Best regards,
    Thom Kilroy

  2. Hi all… I’m am a professional musician, singer, composer and instrumentalist looking for paid gigs. If you are looking for a musician for your event or pub, please, let me know it. Kind regards. Loran Regis.

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