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Seeking versatile keys player

Herts based covers band looking for a versatile keys player for varied set – rock, pop, new wave, synth rock/pop and more.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. To whom it may concern,

    My name is Jamie Gilham, and I am enquiring about placements for any voluntary work within a musical area.

    I have been involved in music for nearly all of my life, playing in various bands and being involved in a variety of projects. My main instrument is keyboards, as I find I can be creative with that instrument, especially with the library of sounds at my disposal, as well as being able to write down ideas and save them for future projects. I also post some of them onto my SoundCloud, for future reference.

    I am mainly into rock/metal based genres, although I do some electronic and film based music on the side. My primary skills are a wide knowledge of scales, strong music theory, the ability to adapt to a wide range of genres and I am also able to learn songs by ear, when the situation requires it. As of 2018, I have completed both my second year of Level 3 Music Performance and Grade 7 keyboard exam, the latter passing with a merit.

    I hope to hear from you soon

    Yours Sincerely

    Jamie Gilham

    Links for further references:

    Home – 02085164617
    Email –

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