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Singer looking to start rock n roll band

I’m an Aussie girl moving to the UK and I want to start a rock n roll band. That’s pretty much my whole reason for moving… So many influences, but the main ones include Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Nothing But Thieves, AC/DC, Oasis, The Black Keys

I’m a singer and play guitar – mostly rhythm at the moment, but I do attempt to create riffs ha!

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hey there, I’m looking for a singer for my London based band.
    We’re composing originals, our style can remind of 90s alternative hard rock as well as
    More classic vibes. Alice In Chains, Type O, Helmet, Motorhead, ‘tallica..
    We have many originals and we can’t wait to go back on stage.
    Email me for a couple Logic Pro demos! Take care

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