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Singer needed for Piano Duo (Sheffield)

Singer with a professional attitude is required for collaboration with a pianist in order to perform as a duo in piano bars/restaurants.

The repertoire will include mostly jazz standard songs (e.g. Fly me to the Moon, My Funny Valentine, Summertime, Cry Me a River, All of Me…etc.), so knowledge of this genre is desired. Pop/rock ballads will be included in the repertoire as well.

The rehearsals will be placed in Sheffield (City Centre) once a week, so the ability to travel there is a must.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Progressive Rock covers Requires vocalist
    Hi, we need a vocalist, practice weekly in Sheffield, we’re well established on the circuit and will be gigging 2-3 times a month, initially covers of Genesis/Floyd but moving onto original material. Mail me at, or text what’s app 07947446704 to check out our set and we can arrange audition

  2. Yes I am very interested when are you holding auditions

  3. …Are you still looking for a standards singer?

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