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Singer / Songwriter Wanted – Studio Work

Hello just wanted to put some feelers out. I’m finally getting around to building my studio., I’m a musician and producer but looking for a singer/songwriter to work with male or female must be good obviously “no x-factor” wannabes 😉 the idea is to create music and work towards an album maybe and post music online, this wouldn’t be a band as such so gigging isn’t priority but anything is on the table. Get in touch if your in the area of around Newton-Le-Willows / Merseyside Thanks 🙂

Comments ( 9 )

  1. Hello can you please contact me on 07796766376 i have whatsapp. thanks

  2. Hello please contact me on 07696766376 I’ve got WhatsApp thanks

  3. hi, i’m interested

  4. Hey I’m interested how can I get in contact?

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