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Singers/Keyboard Players needed

Singers/Keyboard Players needed

Echo Vocal Ensemble are seeking singers/pianists needed for a performance art project in June/July 2022 by artist Ragnar Kjartansson in collaboration with Ikon, Birmingham.

We are looking for musicians who can sing and play a simple organ part for a durational performance called ‘The Sky in a Room’, which was originally created by Kjartansson for the National Museum in Cardiff in collaboration with Artes Mundi.

The musicians will be required to perform Gino Paoli’s ‘Il Cielo In Una Stanza’, singing and playing the organ simultaneously. Both singers who can play piano and pianists who can sing are encouraged to apply. Additional training will be given to those not currently organ-trained.

Fees: £75 per 3 hour rehearsal session and £120 per performance day.

To apply and for full details, visit:

Application deadline: 5pm, Monday 18th April 2022

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