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Songwriter looking for keys/synth player

I’m looking to start up something. I’m a guitarist and songwriter and would love to collaborate with a keyboard/synthesiser player with the aim of eventually bringing in a drummer, bassist and singer. Reason I want to start off with a keyboardist is to ease into the process of creating a band and I just love the sound of the keys whether there’s crazy effects on them or not.
My influences are a bit all over the place. Favourite bands would be Radiohead, Metallica, Nirvana, Qotsa, Beatles but I love a bit of most things. Don’t mind what your influences are, let’s just get together and jam to see what comes out of it. I’ve a ton of songs sitting there(good and bad!).
Looking to do something out of the ordinary and be crazy creative..mix styles around and have fun. Don’t think I have it in me to do another “rock band” although I’m a rocker at heart! Wanna do something a bit different and challenging.
I’m turning 24 soon so any good musicians from 20-30 would be great. I’ll be living in London from September onwards and wanna get the wheels moving from then onward. If this sounds like your sort of thing then feel free to drop me an email at

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