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THE HELLFIRE CLUB CALLING – Vocalist, Harmonica and mad drummer required!

Rough Blues man with a harmonica , and a mad drummer required for a 1970s Dr Feelgood type R n B band… Think of The Pirates… Nine Below Zero… Ian Dury.. The 101’ers…. IN LONDON!!  (nearly forgot to mention). Joining myself guitarist and Rockin Bass player.. – 7 tunes already recorded – lots more to do.. Some gigs pending… Cheers Duncan

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hey

    Are you still seeking a singist?????
    Please get in touch 07779670099

    Love n hugz

    Sammi xxx

  2. Hi still looking for a Harp player/singer? I’m thinking of getting back on the wagon..for the right band, have a look on youtube for clips of me..cheers..
    maybe hear from you soon

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