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The Lizzy Legacy Seeking New Bass Player

The Lizzy Legacy tribute are seeking a new bass player, our current bass player is a good mate of ours but unfortunately no longer has the time to commit to our busy schedule, but has kindly agreed to stay on board and honor gigs until we find the right replacement.

We are looking for a quality player with good gear and own transport, and someone who is able to commit to regular gigs and rehearsals, backing vocals are a bonus. We currently have over 20 dates in the diary for this year so far with more frequently coming in so reliability and availability is a must.

This is a relatively new project but has had a great response so far, we’re all from established original/covers bands so have plenty of experience in all aspects as well as some great contacts for higher profile gigs/venues once we have fully established ourselves, as this band is set to be our main focus. We mainly concentrate on Thin Lizzy material but also cover the odd tune from ex Lizzy members like Gary Moore and Black Star Riders. We are a 5 piece with dedicated singer and don’t do the looky likey thing, focusing more on the music, but of course good stage presence is always a good thing!!

We’re all easy going guys and up for a laugh, but also very serious about the music and playing it as authentically as possible, whilst maintaining a professional attitude.

We have had some interest already and are planning on auditioning people in March, if this sounds like it’s for you please get in touch and we can discuss further!!

Some links to facebook/youtube below…

All the best

Cheers Mark

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