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Urgently Need Pianist

Hello my name is Lizzie and I am part of Southfields Theatre Group (Wandsworth London).

We are putting on a production of Robin Hood a family pantomime in January 2015. Rehearsals are already well under way but unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we have now lost our Musical Director and Pianist . We are desperately seeking a replacement and wondered if anyone would be able to help us out?

Musical rehearsals will be starting after Christmas now, the rehearsal schedule is flexible at the moment but we will try to do at least one night during the week after work and Saturday and Sunday rehearsals.

The show week is the 19th – 25th January 2015 so availability for this is necessary.

If you think you might be able to help please get in touch or feel free to forward this onto any friends who might be able to help, my email is

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