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Versatile Drummer Required

Hi there. We are a busy cover band seeking a versatile drummer.

We play quite a range of stuff so an open mind is essential. The aim is to include quality songs, maybe the odd curveball or mashup as well as crowd pleasers.

North London-based. Bass, guitar, keys/misc and vocal.

We have gigs in the diary throughout 2018 (mostly pubs, a few clubs) and aim to rehearse once or twice a month to add new tunes, usually at Mill Hill.

Ideally you will have live experience as well as the usual stuff like your own kit, transport and sense of humour. Extra points if you can do percussion and/or backing vocals.

For any more info please get in touch. Links/samples of your playing please.


Comments ( 4 )

  1. Thanks guys. We’ve already held a round of auditions and think we are sorted now. Best of luck to you.

  2. Hey man! I’m a brazilian drummer that just got here in London! I’m looking for bands! I’m here to study music, so you can see how intense I am about it.

    Me playing with my brazilian band!

    I play night gigs for about six years, so I’ll be glad to do this! 🙂

    Message me:

  3. Hi. I’m a drummer. I’m available. Call me as soon as possible if the position is still available. INFO. 07492000818 ALcc

  4. hi i am in north london
    goto mill hill alot
    am avaliable for gigs
    heres a link
    best ollie – drummer

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