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Vocalist/Lyricist For Original Hardrock/Fuzz Band ESSEX/EAST LONDON

New band seeking original male singer/lyricist. We have been together for a few months and songs are coming thick and fast, we need vocals ASAP and want to be gigging by the end of the summer. Our tracks are strong riff driven affairs with short but sweet solo’s, drifting into psych and back again. You’ll have creative freedom and the space to do what you do. Ideally we want sombody with a good range, confidence and unique style, that said, if you have a weird voice thats fine to, originality is key.

Influences include Sabbath, Zep, FUZZ, Ty Seagall, Heavy Eyes, Causi Sui, Tame Impala, Clutch, Kyuss, UFO etc…

About us…

Guitarist, 26 – Played guitar, bass and synth for over 14 years, gigged extensively both solo and in bands, studio/production experience.

Bassist, 24 – Played guitar, bass, banjo and trumpet for over 12 years, gigged extensively both solo and in bands.

Drummer, 31- Played drums for over 16 years, gigged extensively, multi genre, studio/production experience.

If your intrested please send us a demo, if we like it we will provide you with a basic demo recording to put some words to and then meet for a jam. We rehearse regularly in Brentwood, we try to do weekends but sometimes week nights, depends on work commitments.

Thanks for your intrest.

Comments ( 3 )

  1. Hello guys,

    Are you still looking for a singer? If you are, you can listen to some of my material at the following link. Everything has been written, performed, and recorded by me. Please do not stop at the first track, as they are very varied.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


  2. I am a amateur lyricist. I am a huge music fan and I have been writing songs for 2 years. Somebody writes the music for me. I really would like to showcase these songs at some point. I am not much of a singer and I am currently having singing lessons and I do vocal training every day. I am never going to be Barbara Streisand but I am training my voice to sound passable, a bit better, stronger and performance ready. I work with a guy who lives in Braintree. I see him monthly and he writes music to my lyrics. He also produces the songs too. I am always on the look out for new and different people to collaborate with. I’m not sure if this is something you would be interested in or know anybody who would be interested? I am also looking for band members as I would like to showcase my songs at some point. I’ll attach to you my Soundcloud link below. Look forward to hearing from you further. Thanks. Rachel

    • Hi Rachel,

      Thanks for your intrest. I’ve had a listen through your soundcloud and you have a lovely voice, however we are really looking for an aggressive or off the wall style, I think you may get drowned out! I’m not sure your vocal would suit the vibe we are going for but I wish you all the best finding a band.

      Kind Regards,

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