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We need a guitarist

We are The Featherz!

Do you want to play lead guitar in a band that’s only destined for world domination?
Do you want to front the stage with two other girls beside you?
Do you want to write songs, sing, gig, tour, record, pose and have the time of your life whilst wearing our amazing stage gear and looking fabulous?

We are a female fronted three piece, who are looking for the fourth and final member to help us dominate the world. Strictly girls only aged under 30 who are in no other bands (unless you are willing leave that band) need apply. We are very strict on this one.

We have a second single coming out in September, and we’re due to release an album, and have gigs coming out of our glitter filled ears!

We are also booked for festivals and Europe, so ultimate commitment is paramount.

You need to be a very experienced rhythm guitarist, hopefully with a bit of lead to fill our already epic sound, and give us that extra bit of Je ne sais quoi!

We have toured with and supported nationally and internationally renowned artists, and the future is looking bright.

Flock Rock/Punk Rock/Glam Rock/Pop Rock/Pop Punk

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