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We Need a Vocalist!

We are a 3 piece band based in South east London. 2 guys and 1 girl aged between 35 and 41. Influenced by Indie/shoe gaze/Grunge/punk/Rock. We are looking for either a female or male singer… If you have similarities to Brian Molko, Dolores o’riordan, Joan Jett, Brody Dalle, Courtney Love, Kim Gordon, Thurston Moore, Adam Franklin or Mark Gardener then please contact. Gotta have a good strong vocal range and a good personality. No time wasters please, we practice once a week. Easy group of people to get along with. Get in touch if you live in or bordering London

Comments ( 2 )

  1. I’m a professional singer/songwriter looking for musicians to work with and possibly create a band.
    here you can listen to my first single:
    let me know,

  2. Hi where abouts in the south east are you?

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