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Young Rock 'n' Roll musicians sought for Hamburg era Beatles project (Lincoln based)

I am not a musician myself but I want to use my early Beatles knowledge and passion, to put together something unique and exciting from the ground up. (costumes, making videos, promotions, staging, booking and such)

We aren’t talking crappy Beatle wigs and bad suits here. Rather, the sweaty, screaming, leather clad and cowboy booted, untapped talent of The Silver Beetles earliest performances in Hamburg’s Top Ten and Star Clubs

I am based in Lincoln. However, it doesn’t matter were in the UK you are (willingness to travel is vital) If you are as new to the tribute scene as I am, or even if you’ve never been in a band before.

All you need is talent, your own equipment and a passion for the raw rock’n’roll of the Silver Beetles and Rory Storm.

Even if we never get as far as gigging. Like minds can do great things and this has been my dream for years. Let’s learn together and have an amazing time trying to build something!

If interested please contact:

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