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10cc tribute band seek vocalist/guitarist

10cc tribute band seek vocalist/guitarist

Vocalist/guitarist required – Suffolk/Essex area


Fancy a real challenge? Tired of playing the standards in pubs and clubs for a pittance?

Pre10nd cc are, as the name suggests, a 10cc tribute band.

Our sets include the singles, of course, but the balance was voted for by the official 10cc fan club.

Our circuit will be the larger venues both locally and nationwide and we are soon to record our show reels, but before we do that…


We are recruiting for main vocal/guitarist.


You’ll need to be available to rehearse – initially – on weekdays, and of course for gigs as they occur, plus you’ll need your own gear and transport.


Auditions are being held on 15th and 22nd November for this exciting, demanding role.


We are not aware of another 10cc tribute band currently on the circuit; there’s probably a reason for that, so this not for the faint hearted (10cc do like their musical booby traps).

But if you’re looking to perform some truly memorable songs, to large, friendly audiences, the rewards will be many!


Contact 07990 628556

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