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Lead Guitarist Wanted for Nottingham Bowie Tribute

Lead Guitarist wanted for established Nottingham Bowie Tribute Band Rebel Rebel.

Lead Guitarist required that can play all the styles of Bowie’s many guitarists and have a knowledge / passion for Bowie. We cover all genres of Bowie playing songs from The Space Oddity Album through to Lazarus. The guitarist will need to produce a broad palette of different guitar sounds and have the technical capabilities to add some synth and string sound effects. The Lead guitarist will be working alongside a second guitarist who plays acoustic and electric guitar parts, both guitars interweave parts and occasionally share solos.

The band captures the theatrical side of Bowie with an energetic show combining choreography, mine and props. Line-up is, Lead Vox, Bass, Drums, Lead Guitar, Acoustic / Electric guitar, and Sax. We average 25 gigs a year playing at a variety of venues and occasions including music venues, festivals and party events.

Please contact us for more information.

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