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Bass Sax/Baritone Sax

We’re looking for someone who can be a spare/dep bass sax player in Monty’s Maggot – a very English sounding ceilidh dance band with a line up of national names in the English traditional / folk music world. If no bass sax is about we might consider baritone. Being folk, it’s badly paid – usually fuel money, festival tickets and some beer vouchers! Ideally we want someone who can play FOR DANCE like Neil Gledhill (Monty’s Maggot & The Old Swan Band – listen to OSB cds or tunes page, a typical tune is

We play at major festivals (Sidmouth, Shrewsbury, Wallingford Bunkfest etc) and private dos, weddings etc and usually have a ‘national name’ caller like Nick Walden or Fee Lock.

We tend to get together to practise around the Wantage area (Oxfordshire).

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Avatar photo

    i’d call but you left no tel no. can you call me on 07717 461972?

  2. Hello. Please give me a bell if your still in need if a dep Bari player . Faye

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