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Bassist needed

I’m looking for a bassist in the Brighton area to join a band I’ve put together to get cruise ship work. Cruises are a month long and potentially we could have work all year round. Would need to be from around Brighton area and rehearsals would be once or twice a week to get tight and ready for the cruises. If interested get in contact with me as soon as possible!

bass guitarist needed

Comments ( 2 )

  1. If you like you can get ahold of me at 651-493-3328,

  2. Hi Zach,

    I appreciate this was posted a good few weeks ago, but if you’re still looking for a bass player, I’d be interested! I play in a professional function band at the moment, am based in Brighton, and have a large repertoire. Are these the European cruises? I believe I’ve auditioned for them before if so, with my current band, we were successful but other members of my band decided it wasn’t for them! Let me know if you’re still in need.


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