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Drummer Needed in London

Drummer needed for new project in Greenwich/Lewisham/South London.

We have bass, guitar and vocalist who plays a bit of keys (me…). We are not only focused on making money but the main aim would be to play popular covers at weddings/events and make a bit of pocket money! We all want it to be fun as well and enjoy a few beers and the social aspect of playing in a band/fun rehearsals/after-gig parties! None of us are particularly amazing musicians but we are decent and have good gear/good work ethic.

Anyone interested?

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Fred

    I`m interested for sure! Been playing for the best part of 20 years – decent gear, own transport etc. This really sounds perfect for me. I`m mainly into the social side of things but love nothing more than putting on a really good show and entertaining people with what they actually want to hear rather than what the band wants to play!



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