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Christian Musicians Wanted

I am a Polish Christian singer/songwriter, who play on acoustic guitar. I used to play and sing in the past, performing in many places in Poland, but for six years my heart has been beating for Jesus. For two years, God has been calling me to start playing for Him. In the near future I will be recording live sessions videos, so I am looking for newborn Christian musicians to join this project in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Today it’s just me, my guitar and Boss ve-8 acoustic singer. That’s why I’m looking for a bassist to record the bass lines for a song, a pianist to create a heavenly atmosphere, and I’m looking for someone to play the cello. If you have a passion for Jesus and worship in your heart, please contact me. This is an online project, so you don’t have to be from my area but being from kent it would open up new possibilities.

God bless you


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Hi Simon,

    I would be interested in helping out if you need a keyboardist.

    My name is Tj and my email is

    Please drop me a line.

    Kind Regards,


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