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Lead Male Vocalist wanted for Rock Band in North West London

We are a rock band in our mid 40’s currently have a set list of covers and making them our own but also writing our own music, currently seeking a lead vocalist frontman to join the band for fun / charity gigs etc, we rehearse in Mill Hill studios once per week from 8 to 11pm. (we split the rehearsal room rental approx £10 each per session). If you are interested in knowing more feel free to drop me a line.cheers Mosh.

Comments ( 2 )

  1. Hey Mosh, sounds great.

    I’m Emmett, 30, based in Wembley. I used to front a rock/punk band and also play weddings for friends quite a lot.

    This sounds like fun, it’d be up for it!

    What’s your number?

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