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Christian teen looking to start a band

Hey everyone!

So I’m looking to start a Christian band, but we won’t just do Christian songs.

I’m looking for a lead singer, bassist and drummer- don’t have to be a professional (I’m not, we can grow as musicians together). I play piano, bit of flute and harmonica, and guitar(still learning) and i song write.

Age range is – 14-17 , Male or Female , preferably from the UK (otherwise I don’t see how it would work lol)

For this band, I’m looking for commitment and hopes are to reach fame. But have fun and form friendships and be able to bond! I’m more focused on love for music and personality rather than skill.

If your confused but interested pls contact me and I can explain a bit better.


Comment ( 1 )

  1. Where abouts are you based? I’m 16 and a drummer. Been playing since I was 6.

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